Children are the Future
Legends of Africa
Religion & Theology
Part 5
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Behind the Masque
Part 5
Eternal Silence Don't forget to read from the beginning or Part 4: Mirror Reflections Everything stood still as the dragon st...
Behind the Masque
Part 1: The Quiet Before the Storm
That night was the night I watched myself die. Full of music--rhythms and melodies carrying masked faces from one end of the polished dance floor to the other--it was a beautiful night. Ladies in their finest dresses and men in elegant suits, all swirling about. A masquerade ball transported from the 19th century in honor of our--my step sister and I--twenty first birthday. That night was planned to perfection; we had set out to create the illusion of magic bewitching our guests into a perfect fairy tale. We hardly knew that there was a real magic present in our perfect illusion, a magic that we couldn't control.
Perched against a porcelain column near the wall with my step sister, who had successfully hidden her the cast of her broken leg beneath the shimmering pomegranate layers of her dress, I swayed to the music, murmuring our guesses at the identities of our masked guests. I could tell that behind the sequins and feathers carefully set over my sister's eyes, she was day dreaming--a vision of herself, twirling about some handsome gentleman's arm. She was always the romantic one--the princess--between the two of us, while I was content in the shadows, alone and unaffected.
Moonlight cascaded through the large
windows, mixing with candle light to give that soft romantic aura to our party. Guests nodded their polite hellos as they danced pass us, unable to recognize the hostesses, and sauntered away into the music. I wondered how long it would take for people to find us out, secretly dreading the moment I would have to join the band on stage, take the microphone, and shed my mask. If I had known anything about the turmoil that would soon erupt, perhaps I wouldn't have been so hasty to cast away my moment in the spotlight--my chance to be a princess, if only for a moment. But, unfortunately, I was young and naive, traits that are apparently dangerous in my family.
Part 2: When the Lights Go Out
Eventually, my step sister would tire of sitting by idly, watching others enjoy what was supposed to be our celebration. She would want her crutches, no matter how they "ruined [her] outfit" and no matter how clumsy they would be on the dance floor. She would protest now, but thank me later; knowing this, I excused myself and wandered towards the bathroom then abruptly turned towards the exit when I was sure she wasn't watching.
The night sky was brilliant, black velvet with glittering stars that twinkled like Christmas lights in the sky. The air was cool and a soft wind rippled in the air--as though the trees were bowing their respect to nature. Behind me, I could hear the sounds of the party, laughter mixed with beautiful music. Only a few paces before me, the car sat in the shadows, parked and vaguely forgotten. Her crutches would be in the backseat which would be easy to retrieve and be on my way.
As I gripped the crutches awkwardly, I turned back towards the party surprised to find it much further in the distance than I had expected--almost twice the distance I remembered.
Oh well. I told myself. You're tired and probably imagining things.
It was as though the building itself, was moving away from me. I stopped, puzzled at what my eyes were telling me. As I stood still watching the lights fade from the horizon, the sound of music because began to dim in my ears. After a moment, the night was quiet except for the murmuring of the wind rippling by.
My eyes began to roam my surroundings as my brain struggled to piece together a logical explanation. To my right there was a shadow--the silhouette of a girl--which was sparkling like nothing I'd ever seen before. And unlike my party, it was moving closer and closer to me.
Part 3: An Unexpected Encounter
As she came closer, I realized that it wasn't her dress that was sparkling (which was how my brain rationalized what I saw). My eyes had gone bad or I had lost my mind--because what I saw, even as she entered light of the parking lot, was a shadow: a shadow moving alone, with a sparkling outline remnant of an eclipse star.
It was time to run; my brain was nervously commanding my legs to move but nothing moved. Now was not the time to panic! I willed my body to turn and my legs to move, but again, nothing moved. I was paralyzed, unable to even blink my eyelids. The shadow girl was approaching in her slow ominous pace and she had hexed me so that I could not run. If I could have moved, my body would have been shaking.
Stop fighting.
The voice was in my head. I was sure of it. It
I said stop fighting.
She was almost to me and I saw that reason behind the familiarity in the voice. Both the voice and her strangely shadowed face, belonged to me.
Part 4: Mirror Reflections
Instinct told me I was witnessing a real werewolf attack and logic concluded I wouldn't survive. I shuddered, suddenly free of paralysis. Realizing my freedom, I ran in the direction I thought my party might be; my lungs burned in as the cold air rushed across my screaming vocal cords. I didn't know what was happening, but I didn't intend to find out...
A shadow fell over me as I ran haphazardly--stumbling and tripping over my own feet--and I was forced to look up. It wasn't a werewolf.
Glimmering purple scales, black horns, and razor sharp talons were flying not so far above me. The wind from her wings beat me as though I were no more than a piece of grass and even in my fear, I marveled. Trapped on the ground, I knew I couldn't out run the creature and I wondered what type of sorcery this was.
The dragon brought her head so close to
Part 5: Eternal Silence
I felt a rush of heat, followed by a searing pain in my sides. So this was it--death at 21 years old. I wondered what my obituary would say; surely no one would guess I was killed by a dragon. As the pain grew, spreading from my sides into my arms and legs, I wondered how long it would take to die.
Now that death was inevitable, I became curious as to what this journey would entail. Would there be a white light? A tunnel? Would I be ferried from the world of the living to the world of the dead by some "Angel of Death?" Or what I simply breathe my last breath and cease to exist.
After a few moments passed I heard someone screaming. It was a language I didn't understand--or did I? There was something vaguely familiar about the words in my ears. I opened my eyes, against my better judgment, and my world
Below me my mother was the one yelling--not scared or surprised, but chanting passionately as though she knew exactly what was happening. She shook her fingers in an odd gesture toward me then reached below me as though she were lifting someone to their feet. That's when I saw myself--still lying on the ground, accepting her hand and rising to my feet. But it wasn't me--I was in the air above, caught in the dragon's clutches.
"Momma!" I screamed out, begging her to come back for me.
The sound escaping from my lungs was not what I expected. I tried to reach my hand upward to scratch my head and realized that although I could not perform the task, my hand was unbound. Nothing was holding me. I wasn't in the dragon's claws. I was the dragon and the dragon had taken my place.
A twenty first birthday filled with music, dancing, and magic. Part horror, part fantasy, join the main character for a discovery of the un...
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Let the rhythms shake the speakers
The world gets still,
Time slows down
And I'm the only one moving.
Smile--all over my face,
Laughter in my song
Turn the music on Let the rhythms shake the speakers The world gets still, Time slows down And I'm the only one moving. Smile...
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Where everything becomes heavy--
Twenty ton dumbbells
Weighted across my neck--
Pressing down on my windpipe,
Suffocating me slowly...
I hear vertebrae shattering
Somewhere in my spine
There comes a point Where everything becomes heavy-- Twenty ton dumbbells Weighted across my neck-- Pressing down on my windpipe, Suffo...
Monday, October 28, 2013
Stoic Streams
Gives way to the grit of my teeth
And I see fire burning in my eyes
--I can't stop myself from screaming out
My hands are not mine to control
The lashing and the thrashing,
It's my voice but my anger's words...
Twisted frustration untangling itself
A futile attempt at snapping back
The desire of its original shape
--But its origins are lost in boiling blood
Replaced with raging reds,
Silenced by stoic streams--
Silent containers of my inner turmoil,
Pumping anger from my veins
Dispelling my toxins.
The flush of heat beneath my skin Gives way to the grit of my teeth And I see fire burning in my eyes --I can't stop myself from screami...
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Lazy Sunrise
And a red haze drifts across the sky
Blankets the horizon in a golden glaze
As light battles the fading dark;
Sound softs embedded in the red hues
Flittering through my ears lazily
Brighting my eyes involuntarily
And I see gold in the distance,
Waiting for me.
Soft rays stretch upward, into view And a red haze drifts across the sky Blankets the horizon in a golden glaze As light battles the fading ...
Part 4
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Behind the Masque
Part 4
Mirror Reflections
Don't forget to read from the beginning or Part 3: An Unexpected Encounter
The face that mirrored mine gazed at me menacingly, as the body attached to it circled me as though I were its prey. My pulse was racing--an amusement to my frightening doppelganger. Her sly smirk revealed teeth that sparkled whiter than any teeth I'd ever seen. But as the moonlight waxed over us, they began to grow, sharpening into little daggers. She began to contort, as though in pain, and her shape began to change.
Mirror Reflections Don't forget to read from the beginning or Part 3: An Unexpected Encounter The face that mirrored mine gaze...
Friday, October 25, 2013
And darkness prevails,
I gaze up at the star filled sky
In wonder...
And I wonder,
Up there--out yonder,
Death is a brilliant firework
A beautiful remembrance
Of a light burning out.
How can fire be so beautiful?
And I can only hope
When my time comes,
I burn brilliantly--
Overwhelm the world in passion
And explode in a blaze.
At night, when light fades And darkness prevails, I gaze up at the star filled sky In wonder... And I wonder, Up there--out yonder, Death is...
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Another One Bites the Dust
The benefit of the doubt,
I wanted to believe
That it was coincidence,
But the truth is apparent,
The evidence, abundant.
When will this madness stop?
I want to forget,
To think of positive matters,
Disappear in the moment,
Fall into the story
And enjoy the ride,
But even at face value
Something is amiss...
I wanted to give you The benefit of the doubt, I wanted to believe That it was coincidence, But the truth is apparent, The evidence, abundan...
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Beautiful Day
Beads on my arm
Like a sticky heat--
Uncomfortable beads
Rippling down my forehead,
Roll of my lashes
And burn my eyes
At the rising of the sun.
But I turn away,
Let the orange and yellow
Flood my pupils
Erase my mind
And reset my pulse...
Chirped melodies
Drifting through my ears
Tickle my soul
And pull my strings,
out of the covers,
into the world.
Worry -- Beads on my arm Like a sticky heat-- Uncomfortable beads Rippling down my forehead, Roll of my lashes And burn my eyes At the risin...
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
In a dusty box,
On top of a shelf--
Not quite forgotten,
Barely gleaming
And unpolished.
Wrapped snug
In dark material
Soft to the touch--
Once worn, engraved,
Barely remembered
And unnecessary
Hidden away, In a dusty box, On top of a shelf-- Not quite forgotten, Barely gleaming And unpolished. Wrapped snug In dark material ...
Monday, October 21, 2013
Carved in stone, some unknown rune
This beautiful language of forgotten lore
Untold knowledge, secrets, legends, and more.
Hidden there beneath my weary feet
Forgotten and thought to be obsolete
But there's power there, in hidden words
The clear solution to a vision blurred,
And I wish to understand it in my soul,
To bond with it, learn it and gain control.
Beneath the sand of ancient dunes Carved in stone, some unknown rune This beautiful language of forgotten lore Untold knowledge, secrets, le...
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes
Do the same dance,
You always do--
Put on the same clothes,
You always do...
And enjoy the moment,
Each one irreplaceable
So make the most of it...
Trying something new,
Don't like it--
Let it go!
Don't worry
About what you don't have,
Or what you wish you could do,
Let it go,
Let the dust settle.
Close your eyes,
Let it go.
Wake up, Do the same dance, You always do-- Put on the same clothes, You always do... And enjoy the moment, Each one irreplaceable So make t...
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Missing Posts
The first post missed was due to a paper I needed to write for school (so technically I was still writing :D). Yesterday's post was missed because I was on campus most of the day working, then had a meeting, and didn't get back home until midnight.
Technically I guess this means I've failed the challenge, but I'm enjoying it, so I'm going to continue. Maybe I'll tack on two extra posts at the end of the 365 days to make up for those, or maybe I'll just let them go. For now I'm just enjoying the ride!
If you have any topic requests, suggestions, or feedback in general, leave a comment below (here or on any of the posts).
Since I've now officially missed two posts, I thought I'd explain. The first post missed was due to a paper I needed to write for sc...
Part 3
Behind the Masque
Part 3
An Unexpected Encounter
Don't forget to read from the beginning or Part 2: When the Lights Go Out
As she came closer, I realized that it wasn't her dress that was sparkling (which was how my brain rationalized what I saw). My eyes had gone bad or I had lost my mind--because what I saw, even as she entered light of the parking lot, was a shadow: a shadow moving alone, with a sparkling outline remnant of an eclipse star.
An Unexpected Encounter Don't forget to read from the beginning or Part 2: When the Lights Go Out As she came closer, I reali...
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Chocolate drizzle
With sprinkles
Whipped icing--
And lighted candles;
A beautiful memory
Served in every bite--
Sliced and laid out
On paper plates.
Cake, Chocolate drizzle With sprinkles Whipped icing-- Strawberries, And lighted candles; A beautiful memory Served in every bite-- ...
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
One Breath Away
And realize you're one breath short
Just one breath away,
But that one breath,
Is the last breath you have...
You could sacrifice your life
For the sake of a dream
Or sacrifice a dream
For the sake of your life,
Knowing that either choice
Will leave your soul devoid...
How could my labors lead me here
One breath away from success
One breath away from defeat,
And the burden of choice
All on me?
Sometimes you give it all you have And realize you're one breath short Just one breath away, But that one breath, Is the last breath you...
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Conflict of Interest
A chill, a shiver--I shudder; My body wasn't meant for this. I was destined to be born elsewhere, Destined for a warmer climate-- The de...
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Cold Gray
The chill of winter settling in the air.
A silent morning as the birds fly away
The world is still, drifting into a slumber.
Nature calls me to join her,
And the instinct of change rattles me.
Am I flying south to warmer skies
Or can I hide away in natures arms
I wake up to a patchwork gray sky The chill of winter settling in the air. A silent morning as the birds fly away The world is still, dri...
Sunday, October 13, 2013
I'm Wishing on A Star
Caress the keys of my childhood
Tell myself a bed time story
And disappear into my own fantasy
Count the stars in the sky,
Infinite wishes waiting
I wish I could stay there
Wallow in the comfort of my mind
Block daylight from my eyes
Create my own world in front of me
Fly off the cliff, dive into the river
And find myself
I wish I could go back Caress the keys of my childhood --Softly-- Tell myself a bed time story And disappear into my own fantasy Slowly, Cou...
Part 2
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Behind the Masque
Part 2
When the Lights Go Out
Don't forget to read from the beginning
When the Lights Go Out Don't forget to read from the beginning Eventually, my step sister would tire of sitting by idly, watchin...
Friday, October 11, 2013
Enjoy the Moment
flashes in the sky
a blast of light
trailed by soft sparkles
of fire raining down...
and I almost missed it--
almost didn't take the time to look
a distant firework flashes in the sky a blast of light trailed by soft sparkles of fire raining down... and I almost missed it-- almost didn...
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Success & Narcissism
I Love everything I do,
I Agree with everything I say
And I'm always on my side.
I come closer and closer
Strive for more and more...
I can see my goals on the horizon
And I realize how much
I appreciate me.
I see failures as obstacles
And I'm the loudest in the crowd
Encouraging me to get up.
I'm the loudest coach
And the most loving fan
In my corner...
I can't lose.
I'm my own number one fan-- I Love everything I do, I Agree with everything I say And I'm always on my side. I come closer and close...
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
Beware of Beliefs That Don't Add Up
- Getting 666 tattooed on you
- Getting a chip implanted in you
- Getting a barcode tattooed on you
- Having your bill total to $6.66
A ccording to Facebook, Twitter, the lady at the grocery store, regular church goers and a host of other people, the following things are t...
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Video Game
As a puppet and string--
Walk forward.
And I could control you
Yet you're stubborn;
Unwilling to submit
Unwilling to bend...
Beautiful and complex
Foreign and unruly---
It's a battle of wit,
A test of fortitude...
In exchange for satisfaction.
![]() |
Still shot of the game I'm developing for class. (individual graphics curtesy of |
If only it were as easy As a puppet and string-- Walk forward. Jump. Stop: And I could control you Completely--easily. Yet you...
Monday, October 07, 2013
The Little Mermaid

Enjoying the serenity,
Riding the waves along...
I'm comfortable here,
In my own piece of heaven--
But my curiosity carries me away
And at the trough of the wave
I find myself lost....
I want to shed weight
And break like a wave.
Roll on the shore lazily,
Curl my feet in the warm sand
And let the sun kiss my skin.
I'm submerged in water Enjoying the serenity, Riding the waves along... I'm comfortable here, In my own piece of heaven-- But ...
Sunday, October 06, 2013
I don't want to see flaws
I don't want mistakes
Through half beautiful
Sculptures of perfection...
I can't have a straight line
standing out amongst
Perfect spheres
Or crooked straggles
Unorganized amongst
Perfect shelves...
I need order in my chaos.
I want it to be perfect, I don't want to see flaws I don't want mistakes Permeating Through half beautiful Sculptures of perfection....
Part 1
Saturday, October 05, 2013
Behind the Masque
Part 1
The Quiet Before the Storm
The Quiet Before the Storm That night was the night I watched myself die. Full of music--rhythms and melodies carrying masked faces ...
Friday, October 04, 2013
Tell Me Lies
Lay your insecurities at my feet.
Wish for the answer
You wish you would hear...
Wait silently for confirmation
Of an opinion you value--
A diamond put on display
Encased in a box of glass
Ask me a question, Lay your insecurities at my feet. Wish for the answer You wish you would hear... Wait silently for confirmation Of a...
Thursday, October 03, 2013
A Different Time
I might look into your eyes,
And if the world was different--
I might focus on your voice...
If this moment were
A different moment,
Walls might have crumbled
And what I might have seen
Might have been different.
If everything was different, I might look into your eyes, And if the world was different-- I might focus on your voice... If this moment wer...
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
To Be or Not To Be
I use to say I could not and would not be a professor. I have little patience and am thoroughly annoyed when people get an attitude with me ...
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
The Fog
Floating across gray pavement,
What lurks behind your
Thick obstruction of sight?
Looming large behind hazy bricks
Awaiting unsuspecting victims
Eerie white mist Floating across gray pavement, What lurks behind your Thick obstruction of sight? Looming large behind hazy bricks Awaiting...
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