Children are the Future
Legends of Africa
Religion & Theology
Thursday, November 03, 2016
Why it Matters: A Discourse on Why We Won't "Shut Up" About Being Black in America
I was having a normal conversation about how working for pennies inspired me to do better in school, and in this I was offering the proof ...
Tuesday, February 02, 2016
Surviving in the Early 1900's
This black history month, I want to do something a little different. I think one of the problems in our country is that Black history is syn...
Monday, October 26, 2015
Don't Quit
The end of the day comes Hours upon hours of solid work But my progress is lacking And I seem to have missed the mark... I'm looking...
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
The First Step
Light reflects In bright wide eyes Image from Clker And out of eyes Connects-- Arms, legs, toes, fingers... Eyes follow mo...
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Scholarship Above All
O ne of the most important things, in my opinion, is to showcase the positive within the black community. Often, new relating to presen...
Saturday, February 07, 2015
Black Owned Cities & Towns
Home Sweet Home You don't know me, I haven't been given a name But I'm still here... Lingering in the shadows Forgo...
Monday, January 19, 2015
The Lost Dream
A Person Reflection on a Dream Deferred I am not like them-- For they are not like me, We are different We are not the same. M...
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Blurred Sight
How hard it seems To see the world... My own eyes fall short Of the vision of other eyes And somewhere these visions blur. Str...
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Waiting on a Miracle
I hear people talk about miracles... They tend to talk about miracles the same way they talk about magic--that's probably one reaso...
Monday, September 08, 2014
Fight or Flight
We live in a world Where no one is willing to fight Everyone wants to win, But no one is willing to risk a loss-- People want the easy r...
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Yesterday the clouds came It rained all day and all night And everything hid in shame Dripping, gloomy, devoid of light... Yesterday, t...
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Challenge Completed
One year ago, I started "The Challenge." My goal was to get back to writing by forcing myself to write a post every day for one y...
Monday, August 18, 2014
This Too Shall Pass
Nothing easy makes you happy, nothing hard makes you smile-- Sometimes tears have to be shed, They create the river on which the yac...
Saturday, August 09, 2014
Brave Girl
Brave girl, Careful not to glance back-- The beauty of childhood You must leave behind Bend to the will of work And fight for your free...
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
The Will to Reach
Every day a new idea-- Colors, words, images... All spinning in my head And I can't keep up. I'm running as fast as I can Pluck...
Saturday, August 02, 2014
The Necklace
When I was in elementary school there was Native American owned store down the road from my house--I was dying to learn how they made their...
Monday, July 21, 2014
Pick Me Up
Just when I thought hope was lost Everything had failed, the world was closing in And I just didn't want to think anymore-- When ever...
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Growing Peacefully
Peace of mind comes After you've surrendered everything Left all your dreams at the door And placed your faith in something high...
Monday, July 14, 2014
The Blank Sketchbook
A blank sketchbook lies at my feet It stares at me curiously as I walk by Knowing emptiness is some kind of defeat, It waits for me patie...
Friday, July 11, 2014
The Successful Blog
Everyone's doing it-- or so it seems And quality comes and goes Like earthquakes on a Richter scale... But its hard to sta...
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