Children are the Future
Legends of Africa
Religion & Theology
Sunday, February 07, 2016
Black Entrepenuership
Speaking of entrepreneurs, today I want to talk about some contemporary entrepreneurs: Harold Hughes & Steven Hughes . I met these two ...
Saturday, February 06, 2016
Family CEO
Today's #BlackHistoryMonth2016 post is about my aunt: Liz Bellamy . My aunt is the middle child on my dad's side and the family entr...
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Impossible Dreams:
Spotlight on Paul R. Williams Don't let anyone tell you Your dreams are impossible-- Because they will; and it may be true ...
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Confessions of a Shoe Fiend:
Spotlight on Jan Matzeliger My closet is bursting at the seams: Sneakers, pumps, and boots galore-- Different styles for differ...
Sunday, February 23, 2014
When I'm Gone:
Spotlight on NC Mutual Life Insurance Company Who will mourn me when I'm gone, Stand over me to whisper prayers, Forgotten ...
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Cyborg Nation:
Spotlight on John Thompson Sleek and slim Robotic limbs and instant networks, Disguised as ordinary... Common. We are inse...
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