Children are the Future
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Religion & Theology
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Rushing against
Warm sand,
A soft breeze
Blowing in the night.
Black sky
Silently watching
O'er a blue moon
And sparkling stars
Wishing in the night.
Blue water Rushing against Warm sand, A soft breeze Gently, gently, gently Blowing in the night. Black sky Silently...
Friday, November 29, 2013
Willed my foot to glide
Pass over the invisible seem
Graceful and Elegant
Then suddenly I'm falling
Clumsy and boisterous
Plummeting down
Down, down
Rocky and rough
Ragged and rambunctious
At one with the floor.
I saw it there, Willed my foot to glide Pass over the invisible seem Graceful and Elegant Then suddenly I'm falling Clumsy and boisterou...
Holiday Season
O ne would think that Christmas was my favorite holiday... It is after all most people's favorite holiday--and it is such a beautiful h...
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Enjoy the pie,
And stuff myself dizzy...
The table quivers--
Weak beneath our treasure
While just down the road
Bent over in pain
Swollen in hunger
And shivering in rain,
You stand alone.
Homeless--helplessly watching
A parade of unfinished meals
And a food artists'
Architectural mastetpeice?
So the food falls hallow,
Tasteless in the pit of my stomach
Until we all sit here,
Fat in thanksgiving.
I want to be thankful, Eat my turkey, Enjoy the pie, And stuff myself dizzy... The table quivers-- Weak beneath our treasure While j...
![]() |
Vanellope Von Schweetz from Wreck It Ralph |
Annoyingly sweet
Sugary cartoon
So realistic
And yet
A fantasy far away...
Soda mountains
Ice cream hills
Pits of chocolate
Fall sweet--
And rise
Vanellope Von Schweetz from Wreck It Ralph Innocent Annoyingly sweet Sugary cartoon So realistic And yet A fantasy far away... Soda mou...
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Atop gray ashes and black coal,
Orange light radiating forward
Untouchable beauty
just beneath my fingertips--
Dance with me,
Around and around
Melt away the cold of the world
But keep your distance,
Shy away from my touch;
Linger in the distance
And be with me.
Warm flames set in hot bricks Atop gray ashes and black coal, Orange light radiating forward Untouchable beauty just beneath my fingerti...
Strange Fate
Somewhere down the line
While the soil was being tilled
An old river was winding,
Cutting its path through rugged hills
Rain or shine, the soil keeps churning
The river keeps flowing
Misunderstood art etched in the countryside,
A presence of beauty and wisdom unknown.
Twist and twine, independent lives
Until entangled in mutal needs,
Cut back across desert lands
And in it plant new and unusual seeds.
Somewhere down the line While the soil was being tilled An old river was winding, Cutting its path through rugged hills Rain or shine, the s...
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
A Piece of Me
The soft sound of rain
Slowly dripping--
Dancing outside my window
A constant hum lulling
A mother's lullaby
Sweet sorrow intertwined
Calm words and melodies
Formed from the pounding of drops
Exploding upon my roof
Continue on through the night
Rock my cradle, repel my fears
Come steady me
Gently in the night.
The soft sound of rain Slowly dripping-- Dancing outside my window Steady. A constant hum lulling A mother's lullaby Sweet sorrow ...
Humanity and Humility
What have I done to you
That you would despise me
And waste your greatest effort
Just to ensure I fail--
Why you treat me the way you do,
I could never understand--
A in a strange twist of fate
I wish upon a star
That I could aim your hatred
That same inhumane smirk
Those same ignorant thoughts
Why do you hate me so, What have I done to you That you would despise me And waste your greatest effort Just to ensure I fail-- Why you trea...
Monday, November 25, 2013
Those Eyes
Full of joy and life
I look upon those eyes
And see everything I am...
I look for those eyes
Dark, Expressive Full of joy and life I look upon those eyes And see everything I am... Meditating, I look for those eyes
Pay It Forward
Question after question Answer after answer, I'm here. Waiting and struggling, Trying to make sense Of someone else's ...
Sunday, November 24, 2013
of a familiar tail--
Greeted by a soft purr
and muted moos,
A naying in the air
Follows welcomed stares
Head butts and kisses
From old friends
Wondering where I've been...
I'm home again.
The familiar wag, of a familiar tail-- Greeted by a soft purr and muted moos, A naying in the air Follows welcomed stares Head butt...
This heaviness is an ancient feeling--
Settling first in my limbs,
Then slowly creepy to my mind...
Simple tasks become difficult
And every emotion overpowering
As though my body were waging war.
How until this burden is lifted?
Two tons of everything I've ever known Balanced upon my back, Perching, Waiting, Crushing... This heaviness is an ancient feeling-- Sett...
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Life of a Grad Student with a Life
If you're an avid follower, you probably realize I missed Monday's post, and Tuesday's post. Well, this week has been and is con...
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Surrounded by insanity, Trying not to judge, But this whole thing Is beyond my mentality. You're talking like you know But in reality,...
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Any Human to Another
Sometimes I understand you,
But most days I don't--
We're from two different worlds,
Taking two different paths
And yet, I see you daily...
You and I are so different,
No likenesses, no common ground,
What you enjoy, I detest
And what brings me joy, you reject.
But for all your strangeness--
I see you there in the mirror,
Somehow still apart of me.
*NOTE: Countee Cullen is one of my favorite writers; he also wrote a poem called Any Human to Another ( click here to read ). I didn't w...
Friday, November 15, 2013
You can't find a single moment
A single object,
A single thought or feeling
To make you smile
And you mock us for enjoying life?
You would belittle our sentiment
Boast your arrogance
Call us ignorant and cast us off
Because you forgot
The feel of joy?
Who are you?
That you would wish upon us
The same pathetic world
Of complaint and doubt,
Bad news and disillusionment
Simply because you left beauty behind?
May you walk alone
Bereft in your bitterness,
I will not join you,
I will not care.
Who are you? You can't find a single moment A single object, A single thought or feeling To make you smile And you mock us for enjoying ...
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The Ancient Art of Buying CDs
Fanmail -- my first "explicit" CD |
Fanmail -- my first "explicit" CD Remember when you had to actually go to the store and physically purchase a CD? I actuall...
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Push me in the ditch,
We can wrestle there.
Me struggling to succeed,
You trying to hold me back--
You don't want me to succeed? Fine-- Push me in the ditch, We can wrestle there. Me struggling to succeed, You trying to hold me ba...
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Nestled high in the cliff's stone,
Haphazardly built, but strong
Comfortable and weathered,
Overlooking the canyon deep.
My home is a penthouse suite,
Adorned in modern finery,
Plush couches and designer art--
Beautiful and luxurious,
Overlooking the hustle of the city street.
My home is a hut,
At one with nature's surround,
Roughed in the coming winds,
Plain and simple,
Overlooking nature's calm retreat.
My home is a nest, Nestled high in the cliff's stone, Haphazardly built, but strong Comfortable and weathered, Overlooking the canyo...
Monday, November 11, 2013
Sweet notes drifting through my mind,
I can't quite put them to the pen
To establish existence to their lovely tune
Or understand their rhythmic cadence
To breathe life into their powerful words.
So I hum a tune, the best I know how
But its just not right; I can't get it out.
There's a melody playing in my head Sweet notes drifting through my mind, I can't quite put them to the pen To establish existence t...
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Turn Up
You reach for the the bottle,
Swirl a mysterious liquid
Turn it up and knock it back...
It may burn for a little
But then the pain is gone
And you forget what brought you here.
When the pressure gets too much You reach for the the bottle, Swirl a mysterious liquid Turn it up and knock it back... It may burn for ...
Saturday, November 09, 2013
What Now? TV Troubles
O ne of my favorite shows currently airing is The CW's The Vampire Diaries . It's based on a book series (written well before the T...
Friday, November 08, 2013
Filtering through my mind
Passing by in hazy blurs
Snapshots of painted pictures
And troubled glimpses--
Feelings, images, words
Intertwined in some
Indecipherable fairy tale.
My mind is drunk with feeling
My mouth has yet to process
And my vocal cords
Unable to articulate...
So many ideas Filtering through my mind Passing by in hazy blurs Snapshots of painted pictures And troubled glimpses-- Feelings, images, wor...
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Subduing me in my cradle
Find me withering away...
The fear of darkness,
Dark, opaque blackness,
Sullen and familiar beauty,
Why should I fear you?
Fall over me,
Fill my cradle with strength.
Darkness falls silently, Subduing me in my cradle Find me withering away... The fear of darkness, Dark, opaque blackness, Sullen and familia...
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Behind brown eyes and glass
And a sea of random thoughts;
Find me at a loss of intensity.
Beautiful meaningless words
Escaping in clouded form
Volatile rain dancing from me to you
In some fantastic, clumsy tango ...
Unashamed and unconcerned
Unaware and unprepared,
Unguarded there in your eyes.
Intelligent words lost Behind brown eyes and glass And a sea of random thoughts; Find me at a loss of intensity. Beautiful meaningless words...
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
Is this how its going to be forever?
Me seeing you, You seeing me
But never seeing each other--
Empty promises and unfit lies...
Words draining from somewhere cold?
Will you ever care for me, if I mattered
Respect and protect me--
Who am I to you?
You to me?
Is this how its going to be forever? Me seeing you, You seeing me But never seeing each other-- Empty promises and unfit lies... Words ...
Inner Strength
To dig your nails under my skin
With infantile words and insults?
Your permission has been revoked--
Go away, you have no power here
Who gave you power to belittle me? To dig your nails under my skin With infantile words and insults? Your permission has been revoked-- ...
Sunday, November 03, 2013
Autumn Leaves
Deep oranges intermingled with
Beautiful, bright, bursts of brilliant yellow--
A permanent sunset cascading
from mountain high
to valley low.
Of colors, rich with ripened wisdom
Grown from branches older than time.
Then, in the frost of chilled winds
You wither, shrivel away and rot--
A masterpiece lost to the world
Well-wished whispers whisked away
walked over with heavy feet
stamped and buried in thick soil
And forgotten in the nakedness
Of crooked branches erected high.
First, you turn wicked shades of red Deep oranges intermingled with Beautiful, bright, bursts of brilliant yellow-- A permanent sunset casca...
Saturday, November 02, 2013
Alternate Reality
If I hadn't known the other students in my class--growing up with most of them since we were in diapers--I would have though we had ass...
Friday, November 01, 2013
percent_of_work_done = 0;
for(hour time = 8am; time < midnight; start++) {
if ( progress at time )
increment percent_of_work_done;
return percent_of_work_done;
int Productivity ( ) { percent_of_work_done = 0; for(hour time = 8am; time < midnight; start++) { if ( progress a...
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