Children are the Future
Legends of Africa
Religion & Theology
Friday, January 31, 2014
For me to want
A happy ending,
Glass slippers aside
Put clean edges
On loose ends,
Securely knotted bows
Sparkling displays for finales--
Where the just are rewarded
And the villain admits defeat?
Is it cliché For me to want A happy ending, Glass slippers aside Put clean edges On loose ends, Securely knotted bows Sparkling displ...
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Something More
On fragile, unmoving glass
More than the sound of impact
As the glass steadies under its fist
Somewhere else,
Where rain doesn't fall
And glass doesn't break,
What poetry exists there?
Something more than rain drops On fragile, unmoving glass More than the sound of impact As the glass steadies under its fist Repeatedly... S...
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
The First Encounter
Violently thrashing, screaming
People claim to meet you--
They call out your name
Weep guilt and lies,
Fall to the floor,
Heavy and broken,
Unable to relinquish the past
Unchanged and burdened...
Plagued with tears, Violently thrashing, screaming People claim to meet you-- They call out your name Weep guilt and lies, Fall to the ...
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Window to the Soul
There's something there
you cannot hide
And when I gaze upon them,
I'm mesmerized by something
so much deeper
Something intangible I wish to keep
But I can only find it there,
Behind beautiful brown windows
Each time they gaze upon me
Until I find myself staring
Unconsciously seeking
some rare occurrence
I want to touch.
It starts in the eyes, There's something there you cannot hide And when I gaze upon them, I'm mesmerized by something so m...
Monday, January 27, 2014
Self Conscious
Look back in the mirror one more time
And then when my face flushes
Run back to the mirror to confirm
My paranoia...
Are my words the word I want to say?
Do you I sound as stupid as I feel...
And yet the smile on your face
Is discomforting in my aggravated state...
I put on the confident front,
You wouldn't know how nervous I am
If it weren't for the shift in my eyes
The flutter of my hand,
A twitch of an eye...
I know you're seeing something different
Something I can't see
And I'm scared of what it could be.
Double, triple, quadruple check-- Look back in the mirror one more time And then when my face flushes Run back to the mirror to confirm ...
Sunday, January 26, 2014
The truth hides in plain sight
Invisible because you refuse to see
Lie to yourself
To avoid the image in front of you
As though denial will make it disappear...
Elusive The truth hides in plain sight Invisible because you refuse to see Lie to yourself To avoid the image in front of you As though...
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Wish Upon A Star
A Way In the dark Distantly glowing Sparkling and twinkling Fire--an invincible life force holding beauty at immortal standards A beacon of ...
The Pseudonym
I've always known that eventually I'd have a pen name; it's not that I don't like my name so much as a separation between t...
Friday, January 24, 2014
huddled under the elements
hungry and cold
in a barren and desolate world
under the same sky
strong and brave
wishing on the same stars
crying the tears which drown my smile
a world away from me huddled under the elements hungry and cold in a barren and desolate world under the same sky strong and brave wishing o...
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Just for the sake of
Laughs and giggles...
Poke fun just for a smile
And let the joke linger
Back and forth we go
Until laughter takes hold
Shaking, crying, out of control
These smiles last a lifetime
So we continue.
Laughs and giggles, Just for the sake of Laughs and giggles... Poke fun just for a smile And let the joke linger Back and forth we go Until ...
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Pity and stereotypes rolled into a sandwich
My stomach just can't seem to digest
And the pangs in my stomach weigh me down
Slow my reactions, my movement is limited
Tight and constrained I exaggerate
Hoping to complete action after actions,
Internal and external fighting for control
Create the ever changing landscape
As the sun sets on its horizon.
Overwhelming pangs of discouragement Pity and stereotypes rolled into a sandwich My stomach just can't seem to digest And the pangs in ...
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
But I don't know what to say
This situation is beyond me
And I'm not equipped,
Not to handle this
Not sure I want to...
The confusion is clear--
Clear like fog in the night
And it's telling me
I'm wrong...
I know its wrong But I don't know what to say This situation is beyond me And I'm not equipped, Not to handle this Not sure I want t...
Monday, January 20, 2014
Fill the air and linger above us
Beautiful words of inspiration
Paint illustrious images in the sky
Captivate each ear, each eye
But let us engage the message
Take it out of closed quarters
Graffiti it on unblemished walls
On display, sidelining busy streets
For the world to writhe at their display
Feel the weight of each voice
Echoing like obnoxious bass
From car to car, wheel to wheel
Circulating into hearts and minds
Creating a portrait of society
Quotes read from blank pages Fill the air and linger above us Beautiful words of inspiration Paint illustrious images in the sky Captivate e...
Sunday, January 19, 2014
I wrapped my silence around me
Spun it around my body like silk
Until silence bestowed it's invisibility,
Granted me this strange ability
To be seen only when I choose to be
Because it's easier that way--
I'm watching the world crash and burn
Pretending I can touch the fire
Knowing no one can see scars--
Skin secretly blistered and marred
No one knows, that I am the broken strings
Strummed on a broken battered guitar
So I pretend I'm the brightest star
Simply because it's convenient...
You see the words are there,
Relaxing on the tip of my tongue
But I have no desire to be seen
Or form bonds from words I release
Why should I break this silence
Break out of my silken shadowed cocoon
And tether myself to cheap cotton?
I'm half aware of some brilliance
Hidden here in the shadows
Kept alive by unwavering resilience
No matter how the shadows may hide
This presence is my hindrance,
Fighting to be unleashed,
Testing my resistance
But I'm not ready to make my appearance.
So I swallow back the words I know--
Words that entrench my soul,
Uncomfortable, but invisible in my cloak
Mourning the words of the visible
Somewhere unbothered and alone
Using my silence as my shield.
I am a master of silence-- I wrapped my silence around me Spun it around my body like silk Until silence bestowed it's invisibility, ...
The Quake
Stuck in the moment,
And its too late to turn back
Complications from unstable actions--
Not weighed down with regret
But laced with uncertainty.
Hastily made decisions,
Built upon personal fault lines
Once ragged and violent,
The heart of the quake,
Grows calm and steady
Unlike the haphazard terrain above
And stillness threatens chaos
To protect the pulsing quake
And destroy the surrounding world
Or suffer its heart to agonizing death
For the world to survive...
Stuck in the moment, And its too late to turn back Complications from unstable actions-- Not weighed down with regret But laced with uncerta...
Friday, January 17, 2014
Fairy Tale
Long, long ago
Beautiful words
Dream frozen in
We danced,
And he was charming
The dance floor,
Masterpiece created by
I lost myself,
Hidden within layer
Layer of unknown fear
Memory of that one
I fell in love Once Long, long ago Upon Beautiful words A Dream frozen in Time We danced, Once And he was charming Upon The dance floor, A M...
Gone--but not forgotten
So many lives lost,
So many dreams deferred
Uncoubtable tears wept
For incalculable years left
Another day
Passes on unnoticed
immortal problems
Fighting mortal me
And the tears have dried
Surpassed the ability to cry
Another tear
Lost in a sea
Of uncried tears
A grief I cannot feel
But the pain goes on
Engraved in fire
On another life.
Another one, Gone--but not forgotten So many lives lost, So many dreams deferred Uncoubtable tears wept For incalculable years left Another...
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
60 seconds
Hands on the clock
Lift from the face
Human in their new endeavor...
Hop between each tick
Deep, weary steps
A rut in time's circumference
Swirled and decorated
A tragic love story
Danced between numerals
Minutes to hours,
Hours to seconds,
Hand in hand
Around and a around
Until the minute is up.
60 seconds of silence Hands on the clock Lift from the face Human in their new endeavor... Hop between each tick Deep, weary steps A r...
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Where Does it End?
The TV Show
I t's 11:30 at night. I've been on campus all day, studying, tutoring, meeting, researching... But I'm excited because one of t...
Monday, January 13, 2014
Sound crusading out of a wave Clearing the path--leading... Bursts of light, Fire falling and sparkling Shimmering dreams Innocence of a st...
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Elements: Fire

Dancing before me
Flexible in its own right
But unyielding
To strangers passing by...
Warm and defiant
Bold immortal blaze
burning bright in the night
Light the way,
Clear the path
And heat eternity.
Strong, red blaze Dancing before me Flexible in its own right But unyielding To strangers passing by... Warm and defiant Bold immortal blaze...
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Like grains of sand
Colorless and uprooted
From shore to shore
Silent and calm
A warm blanket of nothing
Awaiting the coming--
Blank Like grains of sand Colorless and uprooted Drifting-- From shore to shore Silent and calm A warm blanket of nothing Awaiting th...
Friday, January 10, 2014
Inside I'm screaming Something horrible Fighting to get out Born of confusion-- Anger rooted in disillusion; An avoided confrontation Ne...
Thursday, January 09, 2014
Think happy thoughts And fly... Simple simplicity Push off and stretch It hurts now, The stretching of muscle Reshaping of strength, Batteri...
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
Close your eyes
And everything fades--
Bright and glowing sunlight
Hiding imperfections
Making new and beautiful
Take a deep breath Close your eyes And everything fades-- Bright and glowing sunlight Hiding imperfections Making new and beautiful
Tuesday, January 07, 2014
Happy endings exist, In fairy tales at least For someone... Some unflawed protagonist Fighting against the odds To overcome some ...
Monday, January 06, 2014
If my mind was entranced
And I believed what I thought
Unaware; A prisoner
Of connected synapses sparking
Brilliantly understanding,
Yet cold and unfeeling
A dream without the heart
A soul without a body,
Tangible yet unreal...
What if I thought an emotion If my mind was entranced And I believed what I thought Unaware; A prisoner Of connected synapses sparking Brill...
Sunday, January 05, 2014
The Dress
Threads begin to stretch
A dress of splendor
Shamed with lost sequins
Fabric sagging dull and depleted
Hanging under dust
Forgotten behind the new
Strong, full, and worn
Waiting to be remembered,
Hard with which to part
And useless upon the hanger.
Bulging at the seams, Threads begin to stretch A dress of splendor Shamed with lost sequins Fabric sagging dull and depleted Hanging under d...
Saturday, January 04, 2014
Roadside Thoughts

Once, a man was walking through the park and saw a beautiful butterfly struggling to break out of his cocoon. Eager to help the new butterf...
Friday, January 03, 2014
Words lingering behind
And you often wonder
About motives and feelings
Uncapable of concluding,
Yet there you are,
At the end of some
Unknown disagreement
Anger vs. Time
But nothing you do
Causes change,
So let the words linger
As you come and go
Friends come and go, Words lingering behind And you often wonder About motives and feelings Uncapable of concluding, Yet there you are, At t...
Thursday, January 02, 2014
Out of the window
Gorgeous views,
Crystal blues waters
In luxurious pools
Swaying palms,
Green against the sky
Peace be with you
Here in paradise,.
Out of the window Gorgeous views, Crystal blues waters In luxurious pools Swaying palms, Green against the sky Peace be with you Here in par...
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
A vision I'm desperate to see
But fearful to know...
Each second a step deeper
Plunging me into the unknown
Bittersweet anxiety
Clothed in anticipation
And I'm anxious
To move forward,
Afraid to turn back
But unsure where to step;
Another second passes...
The future is blurry, A vision I'm desperate to see But fearful to know... Each second a step deeper Plunging me into the unknown Bitter...
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