Here's the issue: the Bible makes it clear that the Ten Commandments and the Mosaic law existed before the Exodus. Cain killed Abel and God punished Him, why would He punish Cain if Cain didn't know it was bad to kill Abel? God explicitly tells Noah that a man who kills a man must be killed. God also tells Noah to take certain numbers of animals into the ark based on clean and unclean status. God destroys Sodom & Gomorrah for sexual immorality, idolatry, and many other sins. All of this occurs before Moses receives the stone tablets from God. Per the Biblical narrative, God didn't suddenly decide these things were wrong when the Israelites were at the bottom of the mountain, He was reminding them of what they had forgotten. In Exodus 20:8, He clearly prefaces His sentence with "remember" implying that this is information they once knew.
Now lets follow the line of history, both biblically and secularly. According to both the Bible and science, we all came from one point of origin. Regardless of your belief in creation or evolution, both ideas agree that humanity came from one place, one group, then spread across the globe. Now, biblically, after the flood we have 3 groups of people—Hamites, Shemites, and Japhethites—spreading across the world. Moses came from the line of Shem, however, Shem, Ham, and Japheth are all descendants of Noah and would have the been taught the same "tenets," "commandments," "principles," "laws," etc. Similarly, if you think about it from a secular point of view, as the population split (regardless of number, direction, etc.) they would have taken the teachings/ideas of that original community with them. Remember, the Bible says it is Ham's son Mizraim who originates Egypt, where the 42 Tenets originated. It is possible he took those teaching with him, but over time the Egyptians turned to Ra and Isis. Think about your own family. You and your siblings were brought up the same, but do you actually behave the same? Sure you share some characteristics but you don't necessarily hold the same beliefs or practice the same lifestyle. The same would be true for these people as they split up. Some may have take pieces of this original culture, others the entire belief system. Ever wonder why most ancient civilizations had some form of god? Why everyone decided it wasn't ok to kill, when in nature there's nothing wrong with a lion killing another lion?
I have a friend who is not religious, but we both agree that killing, stealing, lying, cheating, etc. is wrong; you know what, both of our parents are religious though. The difference is, I chose to believe in God after I passed the point of following due to Mom & Dad's influence, while he chose not to. I did not copy him and he did not copy me, we simply stem from a common origin. There is nothing that says the originators of the 42 Tenets of Maat weren't taught these principles in the original community. Just because they put it on paper earlier on the timeline doesn't mean that other people weren't also following the same principles, regardless of whether that blossomed into Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Atheism, Islam or whatever have you. Society was not as it is today, in which everyone records every minute detail of their life on a blog or in a video. There was a time when no one wrote anything down, and even larger period of time when only certain people were allowed to read/write... The point in Exodus where Moses brings down the tablets is simply the point in Israelite culture that God said you need this written down and set on display, so you can't forget it.
My point is, evidence that someone else held similar beliefs but didn't worship the same god or didn't worship a god at all, years before Moses wrote the Ten Commandments doesn't prove anything. While it may open the door for the possibility that Moses saw the 42 Tenets of Maat and instead split them into the commandments and ordinances if you're dead set against believing the Bible, it doesn't break the story given in the Bible.