Children are the Future
Legends of Africa
Religion & Theology
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
True Vine
Days run together Like vines in the forest Distinguished by flowers Maybe a leaf or a thorn Continuously flowing Withering and gro...
Monday, December 30, 2013
Another Story Excerpt
People didn't join The Herd often--no one was supposed to know it existed--and those that did were often born in to herd life. To show k...
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Sixth Sense
Steady and loyal, Curled up by my feet And I wonder what lies there Behind big round eyes So full -- Over run Unspoken words linger And I l...
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Untold Story
Far away in a far off land
Swirling in my furthest thoughts
Boldly colored life forms
Of foreign majesty
Dancing through my mind
Unfolding before my eyes
Rolling hills of golden dunes Far away in a far off land Swirling in my furthest thoughts Boldly colored life forms Of foreign majesty Danci...
Friday, December 27, 2013
Tangible Thoughts
A thought, a feeling
Just past the ebbing tides
In the sea of consciousness;
Lying there,
Just beyond my reach
Drifting closer
Rolling away,
Wave after wave...
My fingers brush
It's transparency,
Fall short
Awed at the softness
Of thin air,
Pawing yet
For something tangible
Sailing off to sea
Farther in the distance
Away and away.
Incoherent-- A thought, a feeling Just past the ebbing tides In the sea of consciousness; Lying there, Just beyond my reach Drifting closer ...
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Following the Crowd
I 've always been one of those people that hates the idea of doing something because everyone else is doing it, which often leads to me...
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Straight Shot
Wide open space
Free roads
Flat, unwinding
Asphalt meeting
Blue skies
In the distance
Blank, Wide open space Free roads Unobstructed Unhinged Flat, unwinding Asphalt meeting Blue skies Stretching In the distance
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
For a nook, a cranny
Where they can curl up--
Hide away
And just belong;
They bend themselves
To fit in hollow boxes
Crippled to their shape
Just to belong;
There's some comfort there
In the walls of
Some hollow box
That people yearn for
And die for...
People search For a nook, a cranny Where they can curl up-- Hide away And just belong; They bend themselves To fit in hollow boxes Crippled ...
Monday, December 23, 2013
To times less complex,
To faces, to memories
To people I miss
And images fade
Over time, worn away
Wait for the pieces
To reappear.
Thoughts drift, To times less complex, To faces, to memories To people I miss And images fade Over time, worn away Wait for the pieces To re...
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Flowers & Weeds
Brought up as a flower
Knowing nothing of it's origins
Just as a flower
Shamed to the depths
Of the weed...
A bold and crippling infection
Of perfection and imperfection
Living life blindly,
Tilling the soil,
Growing exactly the same,
Unaware of the truth.
A weed, Brought up as a flower Knowing nothing of it's origins Just as a flower Shamed to the depths Of the weed... A bold and cri...
Saturday, December 21, 2013
First you're hot,
Then you're cold;
Let me shiver in my hoodie
Then bake golden in the heat
Drown me in rain
And batter me in wind
All before a spring snow...
I'm trying to keep up
Body's trying to react
But my reflexes are to slow
And you're temper
Ever changing.
Unpredictable inconvenience, First you're hot, Then you're cold; Let me shiver in my hoodie Then bake golden in the heat Drown ...
Friday, December 20, 2013
It isn't full of conflict
Or involve knick of time resolutions;
There is no evil villain
I desperately need to thwart;
I have no fairy godmother,
My life isn't a story, It isn't full of conflict Or involve knick of time resolutions; There is no evil villain I desperately ne...
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Rap Queen
Back when we were running in the race Trading rhymes and calling shots Worried about the dopest flow And covering the hottest beats.....
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Reflection of the Past
Scarred and calloused,
Bare and bruised--
The same gentle fingers
Softly braiding my hair...
Dirt, caked on dark fingers Scarred and calloused, Bare and bruised-- The same gentle fingers Softly braiding my hair...
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
The smooth curves
Of man's artistic creation
Intertwined with nature's chaos
Deliberateness born
Of unpredictable beauty.
Limbs and leaves
Wind above towers
And lose track
Of where man ends
Grass and cement meet, The smooth curves Of man's artistic creation Intertwined with nature's chaos Deliberateness born Of unpredict...
Monday, December 16, 2013
Storm of Life
Waxing and waning
Coming and going--
They rain down their terror
Disrupt our thoughts
Wreak havoc on our stability
Plunge us in to the filth
Storms build over our sea Waxing and waning Coming and going-- They rain down their terror Disrupt our thoughts Wreak havoc on our stab...
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Full Moon
Bright, luminescent watcher of the night
Speak to me; tell me a secret or two
As you gaze upon me from above.
Tell me what you see,
What you know, what you believe...
Shine a little light on my existence
Warm me in your glow--
Wipe away the shadows
Of my distance memories...
Mr. moon, high in the sky-- Bright, luminescent watcher of the night Speak to me; tell me a secret or two As you gaze upon me from above. Te...
Saturday, December 14, 2013
A Programmer's Christmas
My true love sent to me
12 spam viruses
11 data structures
10 optional languages
9 logic tables
On the twelfth day of Christmas My true love sent to me 12 spam viruses 11 data structures 10 optional languages 9 logic tables
Friday, December 13, 2013
Marked with meaning,
It appears and appears
And reappears,
What power lies therein?
Unity, where one meets two
A strange and even number Marked with meaning, It appears and appears And reappears, What power lies therein? Unity, where one meets two
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Speed of Light
Beyond the void,
Faster than the mind can imagine,
Can you escape?
Or do you fall victim
And let the mystery
Overwhelm your illusions--
What's behind the veil?
Transcend the light, Beyond the void, Faster than the mind can imagine, Can you escape? Or do you fall victim And let the mystery Overwhelm ...
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Beware: the Rant
I read a disturbing article today (a video of the news clip is below). It's from 2009, but I just saw it today and it bothers me to no...
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Closing in tight around me--
A small window,
A sliver of light,
Raised high before me
Just above my fingertips...
Trembling in and out of focus
Opening and shutting
In the sway of the wind.
Cold air, like a vacuum
Beating my will to shame
And I shiver.
Inescapable blue walls Closing in tight around me-- A small window, A sliver of light, Raised high before me Just above my fingertips......
Monday, December 09, 2013
Remnants of Humanity
Every stroke from the keyboard,
Fills me with rage--
Logic says you deserve to suffer
Your complaints are meaningless trifles
Shallow whinning from privelged misguidance
Every word spewing from your mouth, Every stroke from the keyboard, Fills me with rage-- Logic says you deserve to suffer Your complaint...
Sunday, December 08, 2013
A Vision Deferred
Born of a foolish young girl,
Battered, beaten, and broken
Risen from black ashes
She found Life.
Even ugly and bruised
Her heart reached out
Conscious and concerned
She uttered words of gold
And spun diamonds
With each burdened step--
But we reject her
In awe of distant glitter
The unreachable shimmer
Of Death's forsaken isle,
We watch her treasures sink
Drifting further and further away,
Under turbulent blue waves
And salty white foam.
A wise old woman Born of a foolish young girl, Battered, beaten, and broken Risen from black ashes She found Life. Even ugly and bruised Her...
Saturday, December 07, 2013
A Different Hero
Layered across the screen
Tattoos and piercings
Eyes behind heavy eyeliner
And I wonder where
This image forms--
The angelic bad boy
Some twist of fantasy
A million dollar empire
Of good vs. evil
Cloaked in shadow.
Shades of black Layered across the screen Tattoos and piercings Eyes behind heavy eyeliner And I wonder where This image forms-- The angelic...
Friday, December 06, 2013
I should walk away
And never look back--
You're no good for me,
I'll regret you someday...
But there's just so much about you
That makes me happy--
They just can't seem to see.
May be I'm in denial,
So for now, just let us be.
I actually wrote this poem about Pepsi, but it's quite applicable to many situations don't you think? |
They told me I should leave you I should walk away And never look back-- You're no good for me, I'll regret you someday... But ...
Be You, Do You, Love You
I woke up thinking, I must be crazy...
And then it dawned on me: I woke up.
I woke up thinking, why am I here? I woke up thinking, I must be crazy... And then it dawned on me: I woke up. It's strange how l...
Thursday, December 05, 2013
Is empty to me--
You don't understand my words
Because I'm seeing something
You just can't see.
Is it a hallucination--
Wishful thinking,
Dreams on shooting stars?
Or is it real,
Something I can touch
Something I can feel.
Way off in the distance
So close and yet so far
I see it there,
An answer just off the horizon
Sparkling, shining
Beautiful in simple elegance.
I see it there,
All alone,
Just like me.
Half of what you say, Is empty to me-- You don't understand my words Because I'm seeing something You just can't see. Is it a ha...
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
You can't tell me my favorite color,
What keeps me up at night,
Not even what type of food I like,
But you know me.
You know who I am,
And somehow you figure you know
Who I'm suppose to be
And who's the compliment to my me--
Slow down.
Step back.
I am not a victim of your misconceptions
Not here for your suspicions
You conclusions or intuitions;
I am not who you say I am.
Everyone knows whats best for me-- You can't tell me my favorite color, What keeps me up at night, Not even what type of food I like, Bu...
Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Untitled Sci-Fi Prose
Earth is a relic of the past; a distant memory of long forgotten sights, sounds, and smells, incinerated before our very eyes. Now, drifti...
Monday, December 02, 2013
Fold gently in the wind
Cut through strong gusts
With precision and grace
While unfamiliar terrain
Unfolds below
Grassy meadows and plains
Peaks and valleys--
Sometimes high; sometimes low.
But constant and unchanging
Under the wind's forceful slap,
Strong and unaffected
These wings stay a loft
A question unanswered
But this bird still flies.
Wings of steel and iron Fold gently in the wind Cut through strong gusts With precision and grace While unfamiliar terrain Unfolds belo...
Sunday, December 01, 2013
A low chime lingering in the air
As the sound dissipates, another chime,
Just enough time for your mind to wander
Just enough silence for so soul to quiver
Just enough sound for you heart to warm,
The last breath of a life stolen
Another minute passing
Silence cut by the ringing of the bell A low chime lingering in the air As the sound dissipates, another chime, Just enough time for your mi...
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