Children are the Future
Legends of Africa
Religion & Theology
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thunderous Sky
Lightning flashing quick Outside my window now Yellow sparks do fly
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Yearbook Memories
Distant memories of people past
Days, hours, minutes that did not last
Time didn't wait for us to grow
Life moved on so long ago.
Pictures fade--the words begin to disappear
Emptiness in frames hollow and clear,
Stare back at us in solemn woe
Life moved on so long ago
Distant memories of people past Days, hours, minutes that did not last Time didn't wait for us to grow Life moved on so long ago. ...
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
I Know Why
Why the steel constricts so heavily around
And the weight of the air on delicate wings
Rubs away at their softness--tightly bound
To suppress the worry of unadorned kings
Who cage beauty because they are not crowned
And the bird's song is the gem they seek,
The treasure they possess, but cannot keep.
I know why her wings will not break,
Why in the midst of ruin she will always rise--
In fear she will not fold, she will not quake
For the strength of God is buried in her eyes
And the sound of her song soothes her wake;
Let not the coming darkness be a surprise,
When the last rays of light caress her battle scars
As the sun sets, fading between these metal bars...
I know why the caged bird sings Why the steel constricts so heavily around And the weight of the air on delicate wings Rubs away at thei...
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Actions of Change
The root and cause of change
This solitary action
Born of idealism, careless and free
A consequence whether by chance or fate
Announced grandly, not a moment late
This solitary action.
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Belle--as discussed here--finally made it's way to a city near me. At the end, I couldn't help but wonder, if the Admiral hadn't gotten a slave pregnant, if the slave hadn't died, if Dido hadn't come to stay with the Lord Chief Justice... Would he have ever thought twice about the value of the life of slaves? See more info on the history of this story here. The painting above is of Dido and her cousin. |
This solitary action The root and cause of change This solitary action Born of idealism, careless and free A consequence whether by chan...
Monday, May 26, 2014
Crossing the T's and Dotting the I's
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Artwork by MechanicalHyena and found on deviantArt. |
Heavier than Steel, Lighter than a Feather
They told me I was broken:
Drowning in my own tears.
And the sound of the saw fades--
The fun (and burden) of poetry is when you re-read a poem and realize it completely captured a moment or idea (or that it didn't quite ...
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Chances We Take
And there I am--somewhere
Blue green seas and
Sandy shores--somewhere.
I don't know
But I like it.
The relaxing winds
Watch my hair blow
As waves pass me by
As the sun journeys across the sky.
All is calm, all is well--
Until the sound of cannons
Breaks the peace.
Warm sand against
Quickly moving feet;
I'm rushing back to safety
To a place I think I know...
A little cave hidden away
Somewhere--my brain is leading
And I follow in fear
Of unknown villains--
Unknown faces, unknown demons.
Close my eyes And there I am--somewhere Blue green seas and Sandy shores--somewhere. I don't know But I like it. The relaxing w...
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Lights Under the Sky
Bright lights shinning above me
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Image by fksr on Flickr. Click here for more info. |
Eerie sounds descend with the fire
Perfect for a midnight scare.
In the midst of steady chirps,
Louder than whippoorwill calls--
Somewhere in the distance
Calling out to passers by;
She exists out there,
Without form or shape...
No one knows her purpose,
No one knows her name,
Just the sound of her voice
Beneath falling stars
And the echo of her scream
Vibrating between passing cars.
Meteors fall between stars, Bright lights shinning above me Image by fksr on Flickr. Click here for more info. And in the distant dar...
Friday, May 23, 2014
Scared Stranger
Afraid I'll destroy his world...
He creeps into a tiny hole,
Retreats in to the dark
To escape the ferocity
He thinks I possess...
He hides from me, Afraid I'll destroy his world... He creeps into a tiny hole, Retreats in to the dark To escape the ferocity He th...
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Echo of the Firework
Staring out the window Out into the city lights, Watching the colors burst Higher, in the black of the night-- Bright sparkles f...
The Censorship of Words
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Should I or Should I Not Say?:
The Censorship of Words

Anyway, I give the album a listen and am shocked when I hear the b word in the middle of the chorus. Immediately, I assume I downloaded the wrong version by accident, but when I double check, it is in fact the clean version! To prove to myself I wasn't crazy, I searched my music for an older Eve song--"Gangsta B's (featuring Da Brat and Trina)"--from her Scorpion album which was released in 2001. As I surmised, the b word is bleeped out every time on the edited song. I've notice lately, the only words record labels consider explicit now are apparently the n word and the f word. O_o
- Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil -- by FantasticFo
- Beware the evils lurking in our music -- by Danyelle Davis.
I agree with every thing these ladies have said, but as a writer my ideas on censorship of words get a little more complex.
Backstory Last summer, I realized Eve released a new album. Eve being one of the few artists I listen to that when I see that little ...
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
The Hardest Thing
the very idea manifesting
Deep within the cells of my mind--
Easy to push away,
write off with unconcerned glee
Becomes impossible to ignore...
The truth grows and swells,
Pushing at the seams of my skull,
Conquering my very subconscious.
It escapes,
seeping into the atmosphere willingly
So quick to disappear, from me
To make itself known
To the world.
Sometimes the truth, the very idea manifesting Deep within the cells of my mind-- Easy to push away, write off ...
Monday, May 19, 2014
So Many Good Things
So many good things
Anticipation of the next thing
And nothing goes wrong--
but it has to...
I doubt the reality
In fear of losing.
You see,
Failure and success go
So many good things Converging Anticipation of the next thing And nothing goes wrong-- but it has to... I doubt the reality In...
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Wild Thing
Atop my head
Shimmying down
In bouncing coils...
Defiant and untameable
You grace the world.
Proud in your wildness
Stubborn in your curl.
Wild thing,
Craves my attention,
Devours the world's water
Only to become a desert:
You struggle to meet
Wild thing, Atop my head Shimmying down In bouncing coils... Defiant and untameable You grace the world. Proud in your wildness Stu...
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Mastermind of Villainy
He lingers, hiding in plain sight,
Neighbor, friend, and confidant
He convinces the world to see
Distorted views of reality.
Deceiving the world with ease and haste--
He creates polarity:
A master of disguise, He lingers, hiding in plain sight, Neighbor, friend, and confidant He convinces the world to see Distorted views o...
Friday, May 16, 2014
The threads of time unravel, The fabric comes apart And in his mind He sees a way to depart...
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Writer's Block
The words are there,
Like magma,
hot and red, oozing
Through the core of my mind.
The pressure builds,
The words are there, Like magma, hot and red, oozing Through the core of my mind. The pressure builds,
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Beautiful Humility
To be aware is not to be weak-- To admit your fault and make amends, And if in the end you humbly bow It doesn't mean you've l...
Monday, May 12, 2014
Talk to Me
Talk to me--
Say anything you'd like
Let loose repressed anger
Or express the joys of your life,
I'm waiting on your words,
Insight to your innermost workings
And the chance to see inside--
Talk to me-- Say anything you'd like Let loose repressed anger Or express the joys of your life, Anything... I'm waiting on ...
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Words To My Mother
I don't want to thank you today For yesterday's best effort, Or for last year's sacrifice. I don't want to tel...
Saturday, May 10, 2014
The Water Never Stands Still
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Wufengci Waterfall in Taiwann. Image and more information can be found here |
Never runs back to visit
to risk tearing open old wounds
for a peak at what once was--
perhaps it will be again...
But water can only look forward.
Wufengci Waterfall in Taiwann. Image and more information can be found here The water never stands still Never runs back to visit ...
Friday, May 09, 2014
Life of a Grad Student
A light at the end of
Some metaphorical tunnel
I'm walking through blindly?
Is it
Just over the horizon
Waiting to see my face?
Is there A light at the end of Some metaphorical tunnel I'm walking through blindly? Is it Just over the horizon Waiting to see my...
Thursday, May 08, 2014
Missed Opportunities
I might have stopped for a chat,
Pulled up a chair,
Gazed out at the world
And opened myself to conversation...
We might have smiled
Shared ice cream cones--
Watched the sun bathe the sky
In shades of orange and pink
While we talked and shared
Connecting one life to another life.
Some other day I might have stopped for a chat, Pulled up a chair, Gazed out at the world And opened myself to conversation... We migh...
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Restoration of Change
Everything is different,
The world I live in
has passed away
I am here,
Defenseless and unsure
Everything is different, The world I live in has passed away Reborn-- I am here, Defenseless and unsure
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Breathing Under Water
Beautiful myths treading water: The sea's unloved fairy-- Gills glowing beneath waves Swimming in oceans blue... Breathing, th...
Monday, May 05, 2014
The Definition of Life
The Definition of Life (pt 2)
May 5, 2014
I see the world with my own eyes
and oft forget my eyes cannot see
The shades and hues of colors here
Glow differently from you to me--
And as they take flight in gentle winds,
I was browsing a book of poems I wrote in high school and the title of one caught my eye. I decided to write a new poem based solely on t...
Sunday, May 04, 2014
From a Caterpillar to a Butterfly
The garden was overgrown--
A caterpillar's luxurious haven,
A breeding ground for weeds,
And a place for crows to peck...
Where beauty and opportunity lie
The garden was overgrown-- A caterpillar's luxurious haven, A breeding ground for weeds, And a place for crows to peck... Where b...
Saturday, May 03, 2014
The Story of a Lifetime

A while back, I saw the preview for a movie called Belle. It was supposed to be a period piece about the first (or rather the first record...
Friday, May 02, 2014
Waiting for the World to End
I couldn't wait
for permanent teeth to grow,
For school to start and recess begin--
Couldn't wait for middle school:
awkward dances and basketball games
To go through puberty, to be an adolescent,
Then I couldn't wait to turn sixteen--
Get my license, a car, a job, and responsibility.
There was eighteen, college, and twenty-one.
I couldn't wait for permanent teeth to grow, For school to start and recess begin-- Couldn't wait for middle school: ...
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Childhood Days

Ice cream dripping, And the fizz of soda bubbling-- Cold melting together Under the heat of the summer sun... The smooth ta...
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