
The "E," which denotes explicit content, is the MP3 equivalent of the parental advisory labels that appear on CDs. Except, nothing stops me from buying the explicit content online. I'm sure there are switches parents can check, but I'm also pretty sure their kids know more about getting around that than the parents know about actually setting the feature...
Anyway, I give the album a listen and am shocked when I hear the b word in the middle of the chorus. Immediately, I assume I downloaded the wrong version by accident, but when I double check, it is in fact the clean version! To prove to myself I wasn't crazy, I searched my music for an older Eve song--"Gangsta B's (featuring Da Brat and Trina)"--from her Scorpion album which was released in 2001. As I surmised, the b word is bleeped out every time on the edited song. I've notice lately, the only words record labels consider explicit now are apparently the n word and the f word. O_o
A large number of my Christian friends are against the idea of listening to secular music in general. Two of those friends have already written well thought out posts on the topic:
I agree with every thing these ladies have said, but as a writer my ideas on censorship of words get a little more complex.
- Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil -- by FantasticFo
- Beware the evils lurking in our music -- by Danyelle Davis.
I agree with every thing these ladies have said, but as a writer my ideas on censorship of words get a little more complex.
Music Lyrics vs. Poetry vs. Censorship
Music and poetry go hand in hand, after all lyric is a type of poetry and thus lyrics to a song are a poem (though often with mainstream music it doesn't feel like it).
I've often been caught at a standstill on the topic of censorship and boycotting secular music, solely because I find there are a decent amount of songs that are labeled explicit that are actually really good poetry. The conservative voice in my head may be yelling bloody murder at the artists, but the writer in me definitely sees where they were going artistically. Below are some examples (click the song title for full lyrics):
Song: "Russian Roulette" Album: Rated R Artist: Rihanna

"And then I get a scary thought,That he's here--means he's never lost"
When I think about the possibilities of what the lyrics may mean to her or for other people who've been in that situation, it's hard for me to classify the song as "vulgar," "explicit," and "bad." It's hard for me to say "Oh, Rihanna, you should have walked away from that song. That shouldn't be playing on our radio!" To me that's like saying books like Roots, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or The Hunger Games shouldn't have been written...
Curse Words
Song: "White America" Album: The Eminem Show Artist: Eminem

Song: "S.E.X." Album: The Phoenix Artist: Lyfe Jennings ft. Lala
"You say that you're not ready for sex, but you're in loveNow, I'm not saying you should be out listening to every song about sex, but this one... If I had a daughter, I'd definitely make her listen to it (along with A Rose is Still A Rose by Aretha Franklin). Sometimes, you gotta talk about tough topics. As I said earlier, I agree with the ladies above that you don't want to fill your head with garbage, but it's hard for me to say that in every case you should cut the violence, cut the curse words, and avoid topics such as sex.
He says if you really loved him, you would give it up
Momma says that's just a line guys use to get yo' stuff
Which one will you trust?"
I guess my overall stance is that "explicit" content should be viewed on a case by case basis, and taken in doses (you definitely don't want to end up talking like DMX or thinking like the garbage playing on the radio now).
Where do you stand on censorship? Do you think the truth, though not conforming to certain standards, should always be heard? Or do you think ugly truths should be sugar coated?