True Sacrifice
Don't forget to start from the beginning or Part 3: Talking to a Child of the Abada

The Abada led Ibrahim to a stunning palace made of smooth silver stone with carefully crafted spires and skillfully painted glass. There was no doubt that this palace was man made; it was known as the lost palace of the king. Legend depicted this exact palace as the king's home during a time when the king was the protector of the Abada, a time when everyone believed in their existence.
"It's real." Ibrahim whispered.
"Yes. But without an heir." the Abada spoke plainly, startling Ibrahim ever so slightly.
"The new king doesn't believe in you." Ibrahim stated matter of factly.
"No, but his son will," as the Abada spoke Ibrahim and Luca sat before him on the ground--Luca seemingly tired from running back and forth, Ibrahim in wide-eyed awe. "Luca, go find the others please." The boy was quick to obey, and as soon as the boy was gone, the Abada was quick to continue speaking. "My brethren and I have been raising this boy since we found him as baby. He is the king's missing son."
Ibrahim's eyes went wide. There were many rumors of the prince's disappearance but not that speculated about him remaining alive. This sweet child, if anyone found him, would be the future king...
"You want my horn to save your mother. I want Luca to be the next king of Kronos." the Abada said wearily. "In exchange for my horn, you will raise him. You'll make sure he remembers us. And when he is of age, you will return him to his father."

Ibrahim had expected the Abada to want something that Ibrahim had to give--money, food, silence. Never had it crossed his mind that he would be handed the boy and expected to become a parent. How would he explain the child to people? Besides, he wasn't equipped to raise a prince! Of course, he couldn't imagine that growing up in the woods was suitable for a young boy either... Logic told him to say no, but he'd bet his mother's life on a legend that turned out to be true. How could he walk away from a miracle?
"Yes. I will take care of him."
The Abada sighed heavily, then nodded graciously at Ibrahim. "When Luca returns. I will tell him that he is to return to the city with you. As soon as you take my horn, the two of you will leave without looking back."
"Why?" Ibrahim found himself questioning.