Children are the Future
Legends of Africa
Religion & Theology
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Purpose Has A Name
Everything has a purpose,
Illuminated or unseen reason exists,
Lives in the actions people create to
Learn about the world
Yet discover only themselves
At the end of their journey...
Everything has a purpose, Illuminated or unseen reason exists, Lives in the actions people create to Learn about the world Yet discove...
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Heavier Than Steel, Lighter Than A Feather
They told me I was broken: My arms unable to survive And I heard them crank the saw, Caught the glimmer of it's silvery blade, B...
Monday, April 28, 2014
Out of Body Experience
Touch the keys softly
Touch the keys softly And let them speak. The dancing of fingers Coaxing the soul gently... Listen-- The soul bares itself, ...
Sunday, April 27, 2014
We Will Not Fall
High above the ground--
In quaint little houses
Hard for the eye to see...
We're good at camouflage,
Hiding is our protective shield--
The force that saves
When they come a-looking...
We live in the trees, High above the ground-- In quaint little houses Hard for the eye to see... We're good at camouflage, Hiding i...
Saturday, April 26, 2014
To the clicking of keys
and the grinding of teeth--
The air is hot with frustration
Heavy with uncertainty, drooping...
I see the clouds just below the ceiling
Silently I listen To the clicking of keys and the grinding of teeth-- The air is hot with frustration Heavy with uncertainty, droop...
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Dance of Summer's Eve
Orange, glowing softly above
And dashes of purple dancing
While the clouds drift on.
Lush forests under lush skies
The sun sets of warm days-- Orange, glowing softly above And dashes of purple dancing While the clouds drift on. Lush forests under lush...
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Recovering From System Failure
Point out every flaw, every misstep
Paint a vivid image
Of where everything went wrong,
But what's the use in that?
What good comes from point out
Your mistake--
I could list a million reasons why Point out every flaw, every misstep Paint a vivid image Of where everything went wrong, But what'...
Another Beautiful Album
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Another Beautiful Album
India.Arie is one of the few artists whose album I would buy deafly. So last year, when Songversation was released, I bought it without w...
Monday, April 21, 2014
The Way I Wear My Slave Hair
And devour your own culture
With the fuel and ammunition of someone else's hatred--
How did we fall so far in our purpose?
We let the world embody badness in our image,
Allowed ourselves to be brainwashed
That we turn away from our own reflection and grimace...
The ability to reduce your own genetics To words and phrases someone else created, And devour your own culture With the fuel and ammunit...
Sunday, April 20, 2014
What is Easter?
*This post is a continuation of What is Easter? * Growing up I loved painting Easter eggs with my mom. It was probably the only time we...
Saturday, April 19, 2014
What is Easter?
- Why does the date keep changing?
- How does the word Easter connect to all this?
- Why does a bunny have eggs?
- What does the bunny delivering eggs have to do with Christ and the Cross?
For those of you who 1) never thought of these questions or 2) never found the answers, I thought I'd shed some light on the Easter holiday people celebrate like clockwork.
As a child, I used to ask my parents and my sunday school teachers the same question every Easter: Why does the date keep changing? How...
Friday, April 18, 2014
Unlikely Friendship
From the look in her eye--
She waits for me
In the window sill,
Meets me at the door
With wide eyes and furry hugs
I can tell she misses me From the look in her eye-- She waits for me In the window sill, Meets me at the door With wide eyes and furr...
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Selective Understanding
People hear what they want to hear,
They understand and see what they want to believe,
Then they must ignore and reject that which they
are not ready to accept or contemplate...
You can't make them realize truth
If they don't want to realize truth,
But you talk yourself blue in the face
People hear what they want to hear, They understand and see what they want to believe, Then they must ignore and reject that which they...
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Pirates! Arg!
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from The Pirate Fairy |
from The Pirate Fairy My creative writing teacher once told me the best way to become a good writer was to read. She insisted that the ...
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Suppresses air
And breathing slows...
The air has no where to go
Escape is impossible,
A thick lining Suppresses air And breathing slows... The air has no where to go Escape is impossible,
Monday, April 14, 2014
Heaven's Tears
Watch the rain pour, wondering
are those the tears of the world--
tears of lives lost and hearts broken?
Chances we've lost amassed into sorrow
Fall from the heavens in systematic rhyme.
Pain and tension rising in the atmosphere
Until the Earth folds in her pain
and the tears fall uncontrollably
One drop massaging one grain of sand
attempting to heal the bruised blood,

Flowers grow from her moistened crust--
The tears of the Earth replenish her,
She grows strong where each drop falls
And expresses love in the aftermath of pain...
My tears are part of her tears and
our tears fall steadily,
steadily drenching the soil below...
A pain, released in the shadow of a missing sun
So we wait for tomorrow,
When heaven's tears run dry
and the healing begins.
I see the clouds come and Watch the rain pour, wondering are those the tears of the world-- tears of lives lost and hearts...
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Eye to Eye
Unalike in every way,
and we don't speak the language
We create, feel, and express...
Everything is a world apart
and yet here we are, face to face...
If we could move past this barrier
See the human that exists
Beyond our unavoidable difference,
and find a way to love what we are,
Who would stop us from gazing
brown, blue, or green--
One eye to one eye?
"I got my self a notion One I know that you'll understand To set the world in motion By reaching out for each other's hand...
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Mars Lives
Red, Speckled and shining Far in the sky A tiny speck, A disillusion of mass Greater than we see-- It twinkles, like a star ...
Friday, April 11, 2014
May The Odds Be In Your Favor
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April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. |
What do you do, when actions aren't heard--
And if the odds are not in your favor
How do find yourself when the situation is lost?
If the blame fell on you, simply because
No one believed the betrayal you claimed
And your motives were questioned
Your entire life placed on display
For the world to examine...
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. What do you say when no isn't enough, What do you do, when actions aren't heard-- And...
How High Will You Jump
End Game
End Game The finish line is Somewhere in the sky And you can't reach it If your wings are bound-- If you're scared o...
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
The Little Details of the Big Picture
Learning How to
Properly Plan an Event
Learning How to Properly Plan an Event Learning to plan events is useful, no one would argue with that. However, there's a signific...
Tuesday, April 08, 2014
Creating Bonds
My Sister
My Sister My sister and I, We don't always see eye to eye, I don't always like her, We don't always get along... Bu...
Monday, April 07, 2014
Excuses Are Tools of the Incompetent
Failure A house made of thin glass-- I can see straight through it, Shatter every brick with a single blow, It is unstable, an ex...
Sunday, April 06, 2014
Leading the Way
De Facto Leader
De Facto Leader I would be content to follow, To allow someone else The front seat, if I can just get the job done. I ha...
Saturday, April 05, 2014
Mastering the Art of Public Speaking
Introduce Yourself
Find a friendly facesomewhere in the crowd,
Take a deep breath
Pause, then let it all out.
The information is caged there
In the front of the mind
And it's easy to let it flow out
Introduce Yourself Find a friendly face somewhere in the crowd, Take a deep breath Pause, then let it all out. The information ...
Friday, April 04, 2014
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Walk Like A Celebrity
Walk Like A Celebrity Every time I open my mouth The world is ready to criticize-- They call me a role model, Say I represent my ...
What Greek Life Did For Me
One of the most common questions that often leads to heated debates stems from the relevancy of participating in Greek life. Often as I spe...
Thursday, April 03, 2014
Hidding in the Wheat Fields
There was a field of yellow stalks
Wheat all around me--
Villages behind me and the sun before me
And I didn't understand
What I was doing there...
Bare feet and water in baskets
Moving in the heat
There was a field of yellow stalks Wheat all around me-- Villages behind me and the sun before me And I didn't understand Wh...
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
At Risk
those kids
Are at risk--
And I wonder,
What must it be like
To be told you're at risk?
My whole life I was told I was smart
I was told I could be anything
And everyone expected me
to achieve...
They tell me those kids Are at risk-- And I wonder, What must it be like To be told you're at risk? My whole life I was told...
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Lost Words
Scattered with ellipsis--
Memories and ideas trying to escape
While time ticks on,
See the words hanging there? Scattered with ellipsis-- Unfinished, Dangling, Memories and ideas trying to escape While t...
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