Children are the Future
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Religion & Theology
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Admitting Defeat

So, I loved my idea to create a story series: it gave me a writing deadline to look forward to each week, as well as a chance to create and...
Friday, January 30, 2015
Nice Girl
Try to be
A nice girl--
Sweet and supportive
No backstabbing,
No underhanded tricks
No Petty squabbles.

But the more life settles
The less you care
And all the niceties of life
Fade away to reveal
A petty world around you
And you don't want to be
--A nice girl.
Express your anger
Or cage it away
Stop being the soggy shoulder
Or continue to comfort?
When logic asks:
Why care for the world
when the world doesn't care for you?
But your heart says do the right thing--
You can't hide that deep inside
A nice girl
Waits for that final blow.
Try to be A nice girl-- Sweet and supportive Understanding... No backstabbing, No underhanded tricks No Petty squabbles. But the m...
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Same Shoe, Different Ball
I've always loved fairy tales, folktales, and mythology. As you probably know, most of the fairy tales we know, actually have tragi...
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
A declaration of modesty--
The restrictive cry of shrouded beauty
While the other half flaunts bold brawn
Subtle, but causing us to fawn...
And yet we define a controlled look
Try to avoid lingering eyes
Treat ourselves like bait on a hook
Awaiting someone else's untimely demise.
Who are we to define such laws
When styles change just because?
Why should I worry and acquire stress
About the shoes I wear, or the way I dress?
If he can make me weak at the knees
In a pressed shirt under a suit and tie,
What hope is there for my closest's ease?
Anything I wear will distract his eye.
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A declaration of modesty-- The restrictive cry of shrouded beauty While the other half flaunts bold brawn Subtle, but causing us to fawn...
Saturday, January 24, 2015
A Vote and A Threat
There were twelve elders seated at the table watching footage of Nita and Jabir striking their bargain. A unanimous scowl spread around the table, with each gentleman clearly unmoved by Nita's daring rescue.
"Agreed," they echoed.
"How do you propose we put an end to this unnatural friendship?"
"Simply telling these youngster to cease is not likely to solve our problem."
"No, we'll need something a bit more subtle."
"We could just kill the Payeh. He's of no use without his wings anyway. Plus we keep the guardian, she learns her lesson, and no other Payeh need find out Cecaelia exist."
The elders exchanged worried glances. They had never plotted to kill anyone before, it was not in their nature.
"I think that goes against our oath," one elder pointed out.
"Do you have another suggestion?" There was a long silence before the headstrong elder reclaimed the floor. "Let's put it to a vote. All those in favor of killing the Payeh?" He counted the raised hands, then moved on. "All those opposed?"
Whispers of War Season 1 Episode 5 Someone's not happy about Nita and Jabir's forbidden encounter. The elders won'...
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Are You A Feminist?

Conversation A
guy: "You must not have a boyfriend."me: "What makes you say that?"
guy: "You decided to leave."
Conversation B
guy: "You'd go all the way to Florida?"me: "Florida's not that far. Most CS jobs are in Cali anyway."
guy: "You'd take a job in Cali?"
me: "Yeah."
guy: "Even if you were dating someone here?"
I t's a question I've been asked multiple times within the last 12 months. Until the first person asked me, I hadn't actually t...
Monday, January 19, 2015
The Lost Dream
A Person Reflection on a Dream Deferred

When the dust settles,
Clouds are swept away by wind
And the survivors go on.
By labels they try to define,
And though I reject this oppression
My history will not be washed away.
And similarities don't have to bond
The respect that I am and that you are
Is all the air we need to breathe.
A Person Reflection on a Dream Deferred I am not like them-- For they are not like me, We are different We are not the same. M...
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Nita tried to push the curiosity away, but it wouldn't budge. She couldn't miss this opportunity--after all, she'd already been seen, she might as well speak to the Payeh as well. With a strong thrust from her legs, she bolted back up to the surface, water smearing across her face from dripping yellow-gold hair.
Jabir gasped at the sight, but quickly smiled, jumped to his feet and rushed toward the water. Nita held up her hand to stop him.
"You came back!" Jabir exclaimed. "Can you understand me? Wow. You're real..."
Nita froze. What was she supposed to say?
"You can't tell anyone you saw me," she said as she swam closer. "It's forbidden."
"I...I don't know. It just is." Nita was starting to think, perhaps it was a bad idea after all to break more reals, but it was too late now. "Can you promise me that?"
"Will you teach me to swim?"
"What? Payeh don't swim." Hadn't he learned his lesson from almost drowning?
"No. We fly. But I can't fly." Jabir stated the words plainly, but Nita could see that it bothered the young boy. "Please. I won't say anything about you if you teach me to swim. It's a win win situation."
"You almost drowned not five minutes ago!" Nita pointed out.
Jabir didn't respond.
Nita sulked. "Fine. We have a deal."
Nita knew that she was opening the door to an unheard of friendship--a forbidden friendship, but she didn't know what she was getting herself into. Or that The Universe was watching her from a far. If she did, she never would have saved the young Payeh. She had positioned herself on the opposing side of centuries of tradition, something The powers that be would not take kindly to, and unknowingly challenged an authority higher than she could image.
Whispers of War Season 1 Episode 4 Will Nita oblige Jabir's request? Will Jabir get to meet his rescuer? This week, see if Ni...
Friday, January 16, 2015
Who Am I
The girl in the mirror;
She doesn't look like me,
talk like me, think like me...
who is she?
She is strong where I am weak
And then again, weak when I am strong--
If I could trade places,
Tag in and out like a game
If we shared this world
together we are mighty
invisible but invincible--
Who is she?
I dig deep to uncover her
Pull her from the depths,
From the pieces of reflective glass...
But I am afraid--
if I push too hard,
if I search too deep
The mirror will shatter
And she will disappear.
I don't recognize her-- The girl in the mirror; She doesn't look like me, talk like me, think like me... who is s...
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Blurred Sight
How hard it seems
To see the world...
My own eyes fall short
Of the vision of other eyes
And somewhere
these visions blur.
Streaks of color whirling by
Unidentifiable buildings--
Nameless shows under lights
And tasteless food on table tops;
Where is the soul of it all?
Lost in the movement
Swept under the rug like dirt
We try to hide stars in the dark
But they only shine brighter in the night--
Out of reach, but not quite out of sight
these visions blur.
How hard it seems To see the world... My own eyes fall short Of the vision of other eyes And somewhere these visions blur. Str...
Friday, January 09, 2015
Alone in this World
"What's wrong with me?" he asked his mother, expecting her to give him a cheesy answer about him being a late bloomer or special.
"I have no idea," she scoffed. "The doctor can't find anything wrong, but something must be."
Jabir frowned. He didn't know why he expected her answer to make him feel better--he couldn't think of anything himself that would ease his mind, how could he expect her to? Still, her answer bothered him. If he'd known his father, he would have asked for a second opinion. Given then circumstances, he instead settled for being different and accepted his fate.
If he couldn't fly, he couldn't work or participate in any of the other normal activities in the city like his friends, which meant he had all day to himself. When they were young, he and his friends use to play in the woods and the meadows nearby. Now, he wanted to see something different; he longed to experience something they had not. That desire is what first prompted him to spend his time in the water--he'd never met a Payeh that could swim.
There were rumors about eight-legged creatures beneath the sea--Cecaelia, the exceedingly superstitious called them. Supposedly part humanoid and part cephalopod, they were said to be agile and dangerous by some and kind and protective by others. The rumors kept most Payeh out of the water, but Jabir was willing to take the chance.
Under the water everything looked blurry, his body was heavy, but his mind was light as a feather. The water would crash over him as he struggled to stay a float, and it reminded him of the tumbles he'd taken trying to take off from the ledge above the city. The attempts were exhausting, and possibly a waste of his time, but for some reason, he wouldn't give up. If he couldn't fly, he was going to swim...
When he awoke in the sand with the golden skin of the young Cecaelia who had apparently saved his life, he couldn't believe his eyes. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined they were real, let alone that he might see one. This was his chance--
"Wait! I won't tell anyone I saw you if you'll stay," he called out to the fleeing and visibly frightened girl. "Could you teach me to swim?" he added the question half-heartedly, expecting the situation to continue playing out as it were.
The ripples surrounding the girl, who had dove under the water to obscure his view, disappeared. Jabir held his breath, did that mean she had stopped at his pleading? Or that she'd dove even further beneath the water?
Whispers of War Season 1 Episode 3 Meet Jabir, Nita's charge, and find out how he copes with his inability to fly. READ THE ...
Saturday, January 03, 2015
Not Like You on Display
Yet I am there--
Center stage,
Hiding in the bosom
Of a deep red flower...
And the audience is a-chatter
Unaware of my presence,
Waiting for the show to begin--
My show, my life...
The flower gave birth to me
Under the spotlight
On the cue of violas
And there I stood
With awe struck eyes--
And the audience was surprised
This little alien girl
Before them startled
Dazed and confused...
Despite the confusion
The curtains continue to rise
The orchestra continues to play
And the music soothes the air
It's my stage, my show
I don't know what they expect
Leave the audience to reflect,
On the life of this alien girl--
Just began only moments ago
Deep breath, command the stage.
All is dark, Yet I am there-- Center stage, Hiding in the bosom Of a deep red flower... And the audience is a-chatter Unaware of my pr...
Friday, January 02, 2015
Out in the Open

Whispers of War Season 1 Episode 2 Nita finds herself in a dangerous position when her charge catches a glimpse of her. She must ch...
Second Day
Time rushes by me And I never see it past Didn't have the time to see What did or didn't last-- When the dates roll by ...
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