So, I loved my idea to create a story series: it gave me a writing deadline to look forward to each week, as well as a chance to create and explore a story. Unfortunately there were two major problems with this idea:
1) The world I was drawing from is the setting of a novel I'm writing that I actually want to publish. I had this grand idea, but then I'd find myself holding back or being unnecessarily vague because I didn't want anything to give away the plot of the novel.

So, I have decided to stop the Whispers of War series. (I apologize to anyone who was looking forward to the series). I want to continue the episodic story idea -- there's something about it that I really like -- but, I think I need to use a fresh world. If I'm going to do it, I want to do it right! I'm going back to the drawing board to sketch out something specifically for the idea.
Thanks for your understanding and patience.