Children are the Future

Children see the entire world in a different way than adults. The innocence of discovery is something we all enjoyed. I often wonder, had people not interjected certain ideas into my mind at certain times, where would my childlike mind had lead me? So here's to nostalgia, to innocence, and the people that will become our future.

An Apple A Day

Living a healthy life is important, and many people take their concerns with eating right or losing weight to unhealthy extremes. This month, I'll be talking about eating habits, sharing some of my favorite recipes, and focusing on healthy choices.

Legends of Africa

One thing I've noticed during my years attending predominately white schools and having circles of friends that are more diverse, is that the major factor in racism and prejudice is ignorance. There is a lot about black culture that many non-blacks just don't know. Often this lack of awareness rears its head in the form of ignorant assumptions and awkward questions. The Legends of Africa series touches on topics that may be extremely familiar to blacks, but may not be familiar to non-blacks.

Religion & Theology

I've always been interested in Religion & Theology. As I child, I questioned everything. I wanted to know why this denomination was different from that denomination. I wanted to know how Christianity differed from Islam, and how they differed from Buddhism, etc. I found that as I studied with the faith of a believer and the open mind of scientist, the world of religion started to make more sense and I was able to form beliefs that I don't question. April 2015 is dedicated to my journey to those beliefs.

Circus of Words Concrete Poetry

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Concrete Poetry

Synopsis Examples On the Site Tips & Tricks Recent Concrete Poetry List In concrete poetry (also known as visual poetry), ...

Circus of Words Code Form Poetry

Code Form Poetry

Synopsis Examples On the Site Tips & Tricks Recent Code Form Poetry List I actually made this style of poetry up myself (or ...

Circus of Words Acrostic Poetry

Acrostic Poetry

More Synopsis More Sources Examples On the Site Tips & Tricks Recent Acrostic Poetry List Acrostics are one of the more ...

Circus of Words The Banana Split

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Banana Split

Strawberry--the starting point: Sweet and sensational, With small chunks of fruit Smoothing out the taste... Safe... Vanilla,...

Circus of Words Lost Children

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lost Children

Where have they gone? Wide eyed innocent faces Suddenly replaced with hostile gazes, Playing tricks and putting on-- These so called swe...

Monday, August 11, 2014


Dirty mushy goop Clogging up my insides Until I scooped the muck away Now I'm hollow to the core Hollow, inside and out Hollow in m...

Circus of Words Empty Dressers

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Empty Dressers

All that glitters isn't gold, But the glint of the jewels Reflecting in the sun upon my dresser...      diamonds are forever. And I ...

Circus of Words Brave Girl

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Brave Girl

Brave girl, Careful not to glance back-- The beauty of childhood You must leave behind Bend to the will of work And fight for your free...

Circus of Words As the Rain Falls

Friday, August 08, 2014

As the Rain Falls

Warmth surrounds As the rain falls Cold and wet drops Gray skies overhead-- But the sun shines on me And I embrace the pitter-patter C...

Circus of Words Fear & Curiosity

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Fear & Curiosity

I was afraid of the dark, Of what lurked in the shadows But something compelled me To venture out and chase answers... Follow the sha...

Circus of Words Book Review: The Way of Shadows

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Book Review: The Way of Shadows

The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked this book up. The Way of Shadows is the first book ...

Circus of Words The Will to Reach

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

The Will to Reach

Every day a new idea-- Colors, words, images... All spinning in my head And I can't keep up. I'm running as fast as I can Pluck...

Circus of Words When the Sun Rises

Monday, August 04, 2014

When the Sun Rises

Out of my window, I see light break the shadow Colors burst across the sky A show of light entertaining my eye; Gone away the clo...

Circus of Words Rooted in my Dreams

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Rooted in my Dreams

People tell you to reach for the stars Spread your arms to the sky      and grab your dreams, But the oak tree's strength Lies in...

Circus of Words The Necklace

Saturday, August 02, 2014

The Necklace

When I was in elementary school there was Native American owned store down the road from my house--I was dying to learn how they made their...

Circus of Words A Few Gentle Souls

Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Few Gentle Souls

Scattered and hidden Humbly going about their way-- A few gentle souls A few good people... Spare some silver for the poor Spare a...

Circus of Words Strange Struggles

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Strange Struggles

Confusion dangles On a spoiled little face-- And mayhem ensues

Circus of Words Judgement Day

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Judgement Day

When time runs out      as it always does When the wind stops blowing And the leaves stop falling, All is quiet, all is calm... My l...

Circus of Words Squirrels Gone Wild

Monday, July 28, 2014

Squirrels Gone Wild

One Squirrel Sits staring He wants my food He waits patiently His gaze is upon me Expecting me to cave in Expecting me to surrender ...

Circus of Words Pyschological Turmoil

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pyschological Turmoil

If you knew the images you saw Were simple illusions-- That the words you heard Were figments of imagination... If you knew your emotion...


30 before 30 A for Active Listening ABCs of Improvement About Me Acrostic Poetry Anger AnimalActs Animals Art Awareness BHM 2017 BHM2016 Black Greek Letter Organizations Black History Black History Month Challenge BlackConcepts Book Review Browse By Topic Business and Entrepenuership Celebrations Challenges Children and Innocence Christmas Clarity Pyramid Poetry Code Poetry Colors Comfort Compound Word Verse Poetry Computer Nerd Concrete Poetry Curiosity Deceit Decisions Dreams Education End of Days Etheree Poetry Faith and Belief Family Fantasy Fear and Horror Fire Flash Fiction Flying FlyingTrapeze Food Food For Thought Forgiveness Friendship Girl Talk Greed Haiku Poetry Hair Halloween He Is Risen Health Holidays Ideas Image Issues of Today Jewelry Judging JugglingClowns Katauta Poetry Kyrielle Poetry Lauranelle Poetry Legends Myths and Folklore Legends of Africa Love March of Dimes More on Poetry Movies and Shows Music Nature Nostalgia Nove Otto Poetry Oasis Octain Poetry Ode Opinion Ottava Rima Poetry Palindrome Poetry Peace People Perseverance Personality Traits Pirates Politics Preview Pride Race in America Religion/Theology Ring 1: Poetry Ring 2: Prose Ring 3: Blog Rondelet Poetry SciFi Season 1 Sedoka Poetry Self-Worth/Inner-Strength Short Story Simple Rhyme Sorrow Sports Stars Sunday vs. Sabbath Teasers Time Tribute Trinet Poetry Triquain Poetry Unity Untitled Book 1 Untitled Book 2 Villanelle Poetry Water Whispers of War Words of Wisdom World AIDS Day Wrapped Refrain Poetry Writing Issues