Children are the Future

Children see the entire world in a different way than adults. The innocence of discovery is something we all enjoyed. I often wonder, had people not interjected certain ideas into my mind at certain times, where would my childlike mind had lead me? So here's to nostalgia, to innocence, and the people that will become our future.

An Apple A Day

Living a healthy life is important, and many people take their concerns with eating right or losing weight to unhealthy extremes. This month, I'll be talking about eating habits, sharing some of my favorite recipes, and focusing on healthy choices.

Legends of Africa

One thing I've noticed during my years attending predominately white schools and having circles of friends that are more diverse, is that the major factor in racism and prejudice is ignorance. There is a lot about black culture that many non-blacks just don't know. Often this lack of awareness rears its head in the form of ignorant assumptions and awkward questions. The Legends of Africa series touches on topics that may be extremely familiar to blacks, but may not be familiar to non-blacks.

Religion & Theology

I've always been interested in Religion & Theology. As I child, I questioned everything. I wanted to know why this denomination was different from that denomination. I wanted to know how Christianity differed from Islam, and how they differed from Buddhism, etc. I found that as I studied with the faith of a believer and the open mind of scientist, the world of religion started to make more sense and I was able to form beliefs that I don't question. April 2015 is dedicated to my journey to those beliefs.

Circus of Words The Fog

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The Fog

Eerie white mist Floating across gray pavement, What lurks behind your Thick obstruction of sight? Looming large behind hazy bricks Awaiting...

Circus of Words Angel of Agony

Monday, September 30, 2013

Angel of Agony

Once upon a time, ...Long ago... In a beautiful young mind Burned and destroyed, There was a girl-- Fighting for every breath Working ...

Circus of Words Magic & Music

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Magic & Music

Each note is a word In a language long forgotten Each phrase, a sentence And each song, a message... An incantation of ancient lore Pla...

Circus of Words Coming and Going

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Coming and Going

Where am I going? If only I knew where I'd been... An alien in my own home It seems as though I'm trying to turn around Back to the ...

Friday, September 27, 2013


Hollow chasm in my soul-- I fill it with joy,        I fill it with pain, I wait for it to heal itself For the wounds to shrivel and fade......

Circus of Words Color My World : Red

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Color My World : Red

Passionate and angry, The life force that drains away, Cover me in its viscosity And electrify my synapses--- Breathe spirit into my bon...

Circus of Words Annoyance

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


There's nothing worse than ignorance It creeps in under the guise of intelligence And often doesn't know its own stupidity-- It boas...

Circus of Words Exhaustion

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Work flows through my veins Like a river to the ocean, It rises and falls-- Flooding my surroundings Unsettling foundations And sinking whol...

Circus of Words Story Idea

Monday, September 23, 2013

Story Idea

Everyone wakes from their dreams with the idea that they are the main character--the one who lives happily ever after and is an epic hero th...

Circus of Words Standards: Achieving Academically

Standards: Achieving Academically

O ften when discussing things, specifically education, and I have a different view, the phrase "but you don't count" comes up....

Circus of Words Ode de Curls

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ode de Curls

Soft, Springy coils erupting from my head Dance wildly beneath the water And drip oceans in my sink-- Attack brushes and devour pins.

Circus of Words Black Dragon

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Black Dragon

Bright scales covering bright wings-- Take off and fly, Burn the world behind you And take off into a different light. Strong legs, sharp ta...

Circus of Words The Wonderful World of Disney

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Wonderful World of Disney

I ♥ Disney movies--I'm 25 years old and am still easily pacified by a simple Disney movie (or Studio Ghibli which is--in my opinion--ev...

Circus of Words Lullaby

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Close your eyes and see the world Close your eyes and lock away All the things that make you cry: Fear not, for I am here Dream-- Drea...

Circus of Words Rediscovery

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Closed my eyes, Heard a voice calling me Waded through water, Followed the sound-- Who is this? Unfamiliar, Out of my element... Deeper and ...

Circus of Words We The People

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

We The People

In the news this week: Nina Davuluri wins Miss America and "America" reacts to the first (Indian-)American winner (Click here f...

Circus of Words Thankful

Monday, September 16, 2013


There's so much bad It's easy to forget to see the good--- When life knocks you down, It's easy to miss the hand holding y...

Circus of Words Color My World : Black

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Color My World : Black

Inside dark and silent Reflecting thoughts Mysterious to me, Binding words Unsteady 

Circus of Words Dreaming of Purple

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dreaming of Purple

An Excerpt from Untitled Book 1 Last night, I found myself lost in a sea of people--angry people--and before them, a simple and plain ...

Circus of Words That Guy

Friday, September 13, 2013

That Guy

He approached me smiling, Teeth glittering and white-- Easy on the eyes, He lowered his voice Putting on a show-- He spends his effort on fl...


30 before 30 A for Active Listening ABCs of Improvement About Me Acrostic Poetry Anger AnimalActs Animals Art Awareness BHM 2017 BHM2016 Black Greek Letter Organizations Black History Black History Month Challenge BlackConcepts Book Review Browse By Topic Business and Entrepenuership Celebrations Challenges Children and Innocence Christmas Clarity Pyramid Poetry Code Poetry Colors Comfort Compound Word Verse Poetry Computer Nerd Concrete Poetry Curiosity Deceit Decisions Dreams Education End of Days Etheree Poetry Faith and Belief Family Fantasy Fear and Horror Fire Flash Fiction Flying FlyingTrapeze Food Food For Thought Forgiveness Friendship Girl Talk Greed Haiku Poetry Hair Halloween He Is Risen Health Holidays Ideas Image Issues of Today Jewelry Judging JugglingClowns Katauta Poetry Kyrielle Poetry Lauranelle Poetry Legends Myths and Folklore Legends of Africa Love March of Dimes More on Poetry Movies and Shows Music Nature Nostalgia Nove Otto Poetry Oasis Octain Poetry Ode Opinion Ottava Rima Poetry Palindrome Poetry Peace People Perseverance Personality Traits Pirates Politics Preview Pride Race in America Religion/Theology Ring 1: Poetry Ring 2: Prose Ring 3: Blog Rondelet Poetry SciFi Season 1 Sedoka Poetry Self-Worth/Inner-Strength Short Story Simple Rhyme Sorrow Sports Stars Sunday vs. Sabbath Teasers Time Tribute Trinet Poetry Triquain Poetry Unity Untitled Book 1 Untitled Book 2 Villanelle Poetry Water Whispers of War Words of Wisdom World AIDS Day Wrapped Refrain Poetry Writing Issues